Employment is growing strongly in The Hague

Employment in the Haaglanden region will grow by 15,000 this year and next year. As a result, the number of unemployment benefits will decrease.

On the basis of figures from the Central Planning Bureau, the UWV expects the number of jobs for employees to be 440,500 in 2018. If this expectation comes true, the number of jobs will increase by 1.8% compared to the end of 2016.

This growth reduces the number of unemployment benefits. The UWV expects that at the end of 2018 another 13,560 people will call on such a benefit. This is 4,750 fewer compared to the end of 2016: a decrease of 26%. The decline in the Haaglanden region is less strong than the national trend.

Job opportunities
These figures mean for jobseekers that their chances of work increase, but this does not apply to all sectors. The UWV warns that fewer job opportunities are expected in the economic-administrative profession. This mainly concerns professions at lower and middle level, such as administrative assistant, receptionist and office assistant.

Long-term unemployed, low-educated, over-50s and people with an occupational disability also hold a vulnerable position on the labor market, according to the UWV.

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